≪Lesson 5≫ 時・場所を表す「副詞」&「副詞句」


(1) 副詞 動詞や形容詞などを説明する。場所・時・方法 などを表す。
<例> here (ここ) today(今日) now(今)


(2) 副詞句 = 副詞として扱われるフレーズ(前置詞を伴う場合もある)
by bus (バスで)  on Mondays(毎週月曜日に)

every morning (毎朝)  next Sunday(次の日曜日に)




(1) 前置詞』がつかず文の最後の方に足されることが多い。
<例1> 私は今日これをしたいです。
I want to do this today.   <I want to do this on today. =
today = 副詞


<例2> 彼らはここにいないです。
They are not here.  <They are not in here. =



(2) よく『副詞句』として使われる形


(a) every 毎~every day,  every morning など)
I play soccer every day.
(I play soccer on every day. = ✕)


We study English *every Monday.
 (We study English on every Monday. =✕)
*We study English on Mondays. と、ほぼ同じ意味。


(b) this このthis week, this afternoon, など)
I am busy this week. (I am busy in this week. = ✕)


 I have two soccer games this month.
(I have two soccer games in this month. =✕)


(c) next  = 次の~ / 来~ (next week, next year など)
I don’t want to go to that restaurant next week.
(I don’t want to go to that restaurant in this week. = ✕)


They want to study in France next year.
(They want to study in France in next year. =✕)


(d) last  = 前回の ~ / 前の last week,  last year など)
I  was in Korea last week.
(I was in Korea in last week. = ✕)


 We were busy last month.
(We were busy in last month. =✕)


(3) 副詞・副詞句につけられる前置詞
by / from のように 前置詞を足すことによって別の意味が足される場合、前置詞をつけることができる

I need to do this next week.   (私は来週これをする必要がある)
I need to do this by next week. (私は来週までにこれをする必要がある)

I don’t want to go there.             (私はそこに行きたくないです)
I don’t want to go from there. (私はそこから行きたくないです) 


(4) 2つ以上『副詞』『副詞句』が足される時の順番

「場所」  「方法」  「時」 

We were there last week. (場所
We go to shcool by bus every day.  (場所 方法



